Below I describe AIMIN Conscious living & leadership's GDPR policy.

Basic purpose
AIMIN leadership saves information needed to establish new and maintain ongoing business. In order to do this, personal data is needed. Partly to nurture existing customer relationships and partly to contact new, potential customers.

1. When buying AIMin services
The basic idea is that AIMIN only saves the necessary personal data.
Name, email, phone number,  organisation numbers and billing addresses can be saved and stored. The purpose is for us to deliver our services to you and to the accounting. We receive this information by you personally when you make a purchase on our site.

Your information is stored at the course portal New Zenler and our payment provider Stripe and at our accounting provider Fortnox. These information is stored 7 years according to the accounting act. The your information will be deleted if you are no longer qa customer with us.

AIMIN does not currently use a Newsletter by e-mail. If this were to happen, this would be done on a voluntary basis, you simply have to sign up for such a newsletter and at the same time agree to our GDPR policy.

2. When downloading free gifts
We save names and mailadress in our mail deliverer New Zenler for our free products, that is used for information mail and campaigns for AIMin. You sign in and agree when you register to a free course or a gift from us. You can unsubscribe when ever you like. 

3. In courses and membership
Your name and mailadress is registered in our course platform New Zenler, which is your inlog for the course or membership you have bought. If you pay the course through our course portal you also leave your payment information to our secure payment deliverer Stripe and at our accountant Marteby and our supplier Fortnox.

We save saved course material for you to be able to go back and to listen to courses or sessions. They are saved as long as they are relevant and then they will be deleted. They are saved in our cloud services Vimeo in our course portal.  

 4. On our homepage
We safe references, as text, picture or video by customers who have given their confirmation. They are saved at our homepages until they are replaced or if our reference want us to delete it.

5. Customer surveys and evaluations
We save customer surveys and evaluations that you yourself answered and agreed on in Google drive. They are saved as long as we work with the material and then it is deleted. 

6. Where is the data stored?
AIMIN does not have a CRM system, what is used is MAC mail, calender and document. There is one (1) computer, one (1) external hard drive and only one (1) person has access to these: Anna Ugander. They are always kept as safe as possible. Notes during coaching clients' sessions, about business events and/or if joint meetings are saved during ongoing customer assignments in safes.  

7. How long do I save the data?
Contact information is saved for 12 months after the last contact. The same applies to agreements, business agreements, quotes and order confirmations. If no contact has taken place within 12 months, it is the responsibility of AIMIN to either;
A: Create a new contact or  
B: Delete the contact details

 8. What is saved?
Documents related to business deals, such as quotes, order confirmations, invoices, arrangements, agendas for training, company-adapted Power Points and Self-assessment personality tests are saved on computer.
They are saved while the customer assignment is in progress. Then, at the end of the mission, the test results are deleted from the computer. The test results are only left in the supplier's test tool. How the suppliers of the test tools work with GDPR can be read more about on their websites. The test tools are Extended DISC.

We process your personal data with the utmost care and do not share or resell it to any third part. I hope you got the clarification you were looking for. If you have comments or thoughts, please let us know,  easiest is to contact me at [email protected]. Your opinion can help me improve the policy.  

Kind regards,  Anna Ugander, founder AIMIN AB  
Last updated 2022-01-22